Donations to the Foundation
The Greene Foundation accepts donations and bequests of money and philatelic material from individuals and organizations who are interested in furthering the purposes and functions of the Foundation and who wish to provide assistance in a concrete fashion for the development of the hobby.
Monetary Donations
The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation which has registered charitable organization status under the Income Tax Act. Our Canadian Registered Charity number is BN 13029 9308 RR 0001.
Donate securely online, by clicking the button below:
If you prefer to make a donation via cheque, please specify the recipient as "Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation". Cheques can be mailed to the foundation at P.O. Box 69100, St. Clair Post Office, Toronto, Ontario M4T 3A1, Canada, or delivered in person at 10 Summerhill Ave. Toronto, ON.
Physical Donations
While we are very grateful for donations of items that enhance our collection, space is limited and arrangements must be made in advance. Please review The Foundation’s donation policy:
Donations of philatelic literature are accepted for the Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library within the Foundation. Potential donations must be discussed with the Foundation to ensure the Library has a need for the material and it fits with the mission of the library.
Donations of stamps and postal history may be accepted by the Foundation if they are suitable for the Foundation reference collection and its use in the Expertization function.
Donations of exceptional historical philatelic artifacts may be accepted by the Foundation following discussion regarding their suitability and the ability of the Foundation to store and present such material.
Donations of philatelic literature, stamps, postal history, and historical artifacts are considered donations of material in kind. Such donations will have a certified appraisal of fair market value obtained in accordance with the rules of the Canada Revenue Agency if a charitable donation receipt is requested from the Foundation.